Jelly Jamm Wikia

JellyJamm - One Note Universe (Transcript)
Edited by TerryTheNewGuy

Assembled by Lachlan MC Magee

NOTE: Lachlan MC Magee was forbidded to edit this script any further from copyright grounds of Eclipse Broadcasting Corporation.

* * * * * *

[This episode begins in a blue field, while blue dodos fly off to somewhere else in the sky. While they do, the screen pans down to more of the floor. Rita puts down a pink basket and its handles fall to the floor. It cuts to herself holding Princess and on a blanket, with the basket on the side.]

Rita: It’s the perfect place for a picnic! A pink picnic.

[She puts princess down and opens one of the picnic lids, reaching in for various objects, all but one being pink. These appear when Rita says them, when it cuts to the blanket itself (which has a print logo of a dodo in the middle).]

Rita: Pink pillows, pink cups, pink napkins, yellow plate— [gasps]

[The objects are all on the blanket. The plate is the only thing that isn’t pink. Rita seems confused about this.]

Rita: Yellow?

[She holds/looks at the plate, then reaches into the basket again. A moment later she manages to get the pink plate as well.]

Rita: [smiles] Aha! Let’s see! [looks at them as she says the names of their colour] Pink, yellow, pink, yellow... [She throws the yellow away] Piiink! [giggles]

???: [it may have whacked her in the head, according to the “blam” sound effect] Ouch!

* * * * * *

[A minute or two(?) later, Rita’s enjoying the picnic with Princess, but Mina walks over to her, clearly proving she was hit in the head with the plate and with a flower bag as well.]

Mina: [somewhat irritated] Lose something?

Rita: [waving the plate away with her hand] You can keep it, Mina. Princess and I only want pink things in our picnic.

[Rita takes a sip or two from her teacup. Mina drops the plate in disbelief. After a moment of not saying anything, she reaches for a flower in her own bag.]

Mina: Rita, [This grabs her attention, and Mina holds it up in the air] having everything one colour is not only boring, but it is also counterintuitive to the natural diversity that makes Jammbo great and— [gasps] Ah!

[While Mina talks, Rita looks at her in (somewhat-hidden?) awe, then smiles at princess, and the reason Mina gasps is because Rita not only paints Mina’s shirt pink, but also one of her thongs. (Suddenly she also has a bucket of paint next to her when Rita does this.)]

Rita: There! [drops brush into paint can] That looks so much prettier!

[Rita sings to herself, Mina confused on what just happened, and Rita sits back down.]

Rita: So now, you can come sit and picnic with us! [Has cutie eyes when she says “sit” onward]

Mina: [rolls her eyes and walks off with the flower bag] Never mind...

[Rita, with her normal eyes, smiles and leans back a little]

Rita: This day’s working for me!

[She grabs her cup again as randomly coloured bubbles start appearing, and singing to herself at one point and getting another sip of her teacup in another, she ignores the bubbles until she looks up]

Rita: These, are not, pink! [She reaches yet again into her basket] Let’s see! [She grabs what seems to be a boomerang + fidget spinner combined and throws it upward] Woohooo!

[Rita laughs, as her aim manages to get all the bubbles. She reaches up to get the boomer-spinner back, but it misses and hits Mina (for some reason) again.]

Rita: Oh.

Mina (Offscreen): [as it hits offscreen] Ouch!

[Although Rita looks guilty, more bubbles appear. She looks at them, at one point gasping in confusion, and looking at the Music Factory (technically behind the fourth wall).]

Rita: [realisation] Aah! [pausing, saddened] This can’t be! Hmm...

[Then she got an idea. One that made her mischievously smile after she smiled normally.]

* * * * * *

[Everything is going normally in the Music Factory. Bubbles are still being produced and flown around Jammbo, Dodos are still doing their job, and the pendulum that controls the pace is suitable. The Dodos ignore Rita when she arrives through the doorway.]

Rita: [looking slightly insane] Aha! [giggling as she runs offscreen]

[at the Control Panel of the Factory]

Rita: Let’s see... [looking around the control panel until she finds the controls she wants Bubbles, colours, PINK! [She repeats saying “pink” continuously and mashing buttons until all of the control panel’s buttons, levers, etc. turns pink. She looks adored afterward.] Piiink! [turns back to the Bubble Producer while smiling] Huh?

[Sure enough, there are now only pink bubbles being produced and shot up into the machine. The pendulum is still working like normal and the Dodos don’t aren’t too concerned for now, however.]

Rita: This is much better! [laughs]

* * * * * *

[The scene fades to Bello in another location in Jammbo, clearly happy.]

Bello: Line them up!

[Ongo’s standing on greenlands and Goomo walks onscreen as he laughs. Goomo are holding at plant. Ongo’s got two.]

Bello: The more there are, the better!—

[They run offscreen. Bello is standing on a pretty big platform in front of a—quite large—line of plants, descending in size the further away Bello is.]

Bello: —as I prepare to lay down the longest musical in the history of Jammbo!

Goomo: Ready for a sound check, Bello?

[Bello mimes like a choreographer to a orchestra, and Mina, Goomo and Ongo play a tune on the line of instrumental plants, ending with a cymbal crash. After this, they cheer and Bello bows for a moment.]

Bello: Thank you, thank you very much. [pauses for a split-second] It is time for me to make history!

[A random Forest Dodo walks over to them with a casual smile. Though, due to the Music Factory’s new settings, it somewhat jumps and its face goes purple, now looking shocked. (It’s now a Corrupted Dodo, if you must know.) Mina is the only one who notices this.]

Mina: Excuse me, but this Dodo just turned—!

[Bello shushes her in ignorance, assuming she’s complaining as usual.]

Bello: [serious tone] Please. Concentrating here.

[He kicks a skateboard up to his hand. He smiles as he drops it to his foot. He also takes a moment to look at the plant line, then rolls it back to jump off the platform with it.]

Bello: Let’s gooooo!!!

[Bello smiles as he skateboards down the plants, the plants making insturmental noises that decrease in pitch. This happens with the observants cheering... until they notice something about what Bello’s riding on. He seems to notice too.]

Bello: Huh?

[Eventually he lands on the ground, the crew gasping for some reason as Bello skates offscreen. He comes back with confusion in his tone and expression, though.]

Bello: What is wrong with these plants??

[It turns out that the Corrupted Dodo wasn’t the only thing made. The plants have also been changed, but to pink. The Jammbodians check most of the plants and they’re making somewhat the same note (music note).]

Mina: [concerned] What happened to the Dodo, happened to the plants?

Bello: [confused] What Dodo?

Mina: The one that— [Suddenly she gets affected from the Factory’s settings. Her tone is now higher pitched and her entire body is a shade of pink.] Wait! [panicked] What’s happening?! Testing, one, two, three!

[Bello’s finding this hilarious, laughing at the poor girl for her looks and sounds. Remember kid, karma bites back, if not harder.]

Bello: [chuckles] You’re pink! Listen to your— [Before he can finish he gets affected too, now in a higher pitch (well, you get the idea)] —silly voice! [He notices, and frowns] Huh? What’s going on?

[While Mina and Bello, now affected by the one note setting, are looking at themselves or each other, Goombo’s laughing (also in a higher pitch), and Mina notices. While Ongo(not affected yet) and Bello notices this, Mina is not amused. She goes to grab a mirror.]

[When she comes back and puts the mirror next to Bello, it proves that Goomo is also affected too. Bello still gets a slight giggle to himself out of this when he sees this. Goomo eventually notices, though.]

Goomo: Ah- I’m pink! [screams in fear] AAAHHH!!!

[Bello frowns and turns to Mina, desperately hoping there’s an explanation for this madness.]

Bello: [panicking] Mina!! Why is this happening?!

Mina: It isn’t my fault! Don’t scream at me, Bello!

Bello: [saddened that he’s stuck looking pink and sounding higher-pitched] I’m not screaming! This is just how I sound!

Mina: Hmm... Jammbo is supposed to be the epiphany of Dodo’s sounds. [Goomo laughs again offscreen, her looking irritated at him for a moment. Pink bubbles are casually floating from one side to another, seen in the mirror.] Those sounds are a result of multicoloured bubbles floating down on the planet.

Goomo (Offscreen): Hey, look!

[Mina notices, and looks a little... erm... surprised, to say the least.]

Goomo: [pointing to the Music Factory’s bubbles] There are only pink bubbles!

Bello: That’s it! Everything is starting to sound the same!... [looking at himself] and ridiculous!

Mina: This is very bad. We must correct this quickly.

[She holds up some remote and presses its only button, Bello is confused about this, but is utterly baffled when he realises its the caravan’s appearance. Although it is quite slow, everyone gets in (offscreen) and they ride closer to the music factory.]

[Oh yeah, and Ongo rides a Forest Dodo alongside them.]

* * * * * *

[Rita is elsewhere, taking a sip of her teacup again. Suddenly Bello’s voice can be heard, which startles her.]

Bello: [offscreen at first, still in the Caravan] Don’t worry, Rita! We’re heading to the Music Factory to fix this mess!

Rita: Fix what mess? [Caravan stops moving] And why does your voice sound funny?

Mina: The Music Factory is only producing pink bubbles! And that everything sounds the same!

Goomo: [suddenly opening a hatch to poke his head out... and eventually Mina shows her head again while he’s talking] We’re going to make the different coloured bubbles come back!

[After he says this, almost the entire world is starting to be customised to all shades of pink, even the trees.]

Bello, Goomo and Mina: [in unison] Oh no!

[Rita’s eyes light up in joy.]

Mina: Come on Rita! Follow us!

[Rita giggles.]

Rita: [to Princess] Yes, Princess, you’re right! We can’t let them ruin our pink paradise. [to the others] Okay! [the blue tree turns pink] I’ll be right along to help you!

[She giggles again.]

* * * * * *

[A instrumental song plays with Rita doing everything she can to stop the other Jammbodians from getting to the factory and fixing this mess. During a road closure sequence, THAT is when Ongo is affected with the pink setting. The interruptions included a Dodo Crossing, road closures (somehow with Princess appearing on one of the barriers), and even a pothole. Additionally, not that they appear much, even the Queen and King, for a few seconds, are also affected—then again, they don’t appear for long. After a tour of the newly made pink places, the song eventually ends with Rita riding straight to the Factory.]

* * * * * *

[Rita locks a door to the Music Factory’s settings. She also sings a tune that has no title. As she finishes she grabs her cup, and the remainder of the cast (except the higher authorities) finally arrive to try and fix it. Goomo is the last to enter.]

Rita: [Goomo noticing her] Hello there. You won’t be able to get in.

Mina: Oh! The door has a padlock on it!

Bello: But... But why?

[Ongo signals that it could be the Queen’s doing. Goomo looks at Rita.]

Bello: The Queen? But why would she lock the door?

[Ongo signals that the Queen could be at the beach. (Bello may have not paid attention to “the Queen being there” bit.)]

Bello: [Goomo realising Rita may have got the key] Who cares about the beach??

[Ongo continues signalling offscreen. Goomo keeps looking back and forth at what seems to be the key AND the lock.]

Bello: Me? Destroy the factory? [Well, he HAS done this a few times before.] Are you crazy?!

[The key, which resembles a music note in a way, can be seen. Rita’s smug face can be seen.]

Mina: It doesn’t matter! We have to find the key!

[Rita notices that Goomo’s looking at it]

Bello(?): [it sounds a bit higher-pitched for a moment, so it may be Mina speaking instead of him] Where could it be?!

[Goomo yet again is playing with the lock and looking at the key, looking more panicked this time.]

Mina: Let’s see. If I were the Queen, I would be—

[Rita’s now holding the key, throwing it away. She drinks her tea to ignore him.]

Bello: [laughs] You?! The Queen? You’ll never be the Queen!

Mina: Oh, NOW Mister [the rest is incoherent talking because Goomo’s voice can finally be heard in panicked confusion for similarity]!

Goomo: [grabbing everyone’s attention] THE KEY IS IN HERE!!!

Mina: But we know that already, Goomo.

[The editor has no clue what Goomo does here, like trying to point out something and just babbling nonsense, but it seems Mina can kind of understand]

Mina: Huh?

[Mina looks at Bello then smugly walks over to Rita]

Mina: Um, Rita?

Rita: [noticing, cheerful as usual] Hi!~

Mina: You don’t seem to be so upset that Jammbo might be forever pink!

Rita: I think pink’s the best colour, Mina!

[Mina doesn’t respond.]

Bello: Rita! This is serious!

Rita: Well, what do you know? Pink does look good on boys! [no it doesnt]

Bello: [concerned] This can’t be happening.

[Mina gets an idea.]

Mina: Rita! [Bello looks at her] I have something for you and Princess!

[That got Rita’s attention, and not in a bad way. She abruptly smiles, and stands up clearly in glee.]

Rita: [voice temporarily increasing in happiness] Yes? Yes?! What?! WHAT?!

Mina: [Bello still looks in confusion] Matching blue dresses!

[Wait... how can blue dresses still exist when Jammbo’s stuck in a pink singlecolour situation? Whatever the case, Rita seems terrified about this fact too.]

Rita: [exclaims in fear... for some reason] Blue! Ah! AHH!! Blue!! Aahh!! Blue!! [continues to yell in fear] oohh...

[Mina still holds it up, moving it closer to Rita’s face, Rita screaming in fear... though she manages to have a Paintbrush suddenly in hand and paints over it, finally relaxing afterward. Though she realises that was a horrible mistake.]

Mina: [gasps] You’re the one that made those bubbles pink!!

Rita: [after throwing the paintbrush away] Is that bad?

Bello: “Is that bad?” [kind of lost it] Is THAT bad?! I'M PINK!!! [panting a little]

Rita: [after a second of silence from her] But pink is beautiful! And your voices don’t sound so bad! In fact, your voices* are—

[* = This is the moment during her talking that, although her looks have barely changed, she too has a higher-pitched voice as well. And she does NOT take this lightly!]

Rita: Eep! [suddenly panicking] MY VOICE!! [the other Jammbodians gasp as she says that] AHHH!! We’ve got to fix this mess!!

Bello: Where’s the key, Rita??

Rita: I threw it over there! [looks at the position she pointed, to her horror it’s just a pink background, sounding and looking terrified] AAAHHH!!! And it’s pink!

* * * * * *

[The Jammbodians start looking for the key. Sadly, for now they have no luck.]

Mina: How will we ever see it in this pinkness??

[Ongo hits a pole.]

[Goomo looks across the floor, completely oblivious to the key in front of the camera. As a fourth wall break, he notices the camera and picks it up off the floor.]

Goomo: Hey Kids! Have you seen the key? [Camera nods to say yes, he runs to the right] Is it this way? [Camera nods to say no, Goomo runs to the left instead] That way? [Again, Camera nods to say no, he runs back to the viewers] Am I close?

[A third time the camera nods to say no. Goomo’s expression changes to a little bit of shock. This is when the camera whacks the key upward, and Goomo grabs it in glee, raising it up in happiness]

Goomo: I FOUND IT!!

[Aside from Goomo, they all run to the door, Ongo stealing the key off him. This opens it and the factory is finally open. It’s still producing the pink bubbles. Mina enters first, and she gets to the settings panel. After hesitating, she manages to reset the settings. After that the bubbles go back to being coloured again.]

Bello: [depressed but hopeful] I really hope this works...

[Goomo, Ongo, Mina and Bello restore back to their normal formats, cheering for success afterhand. Rita is saddened, though.]

[Everything else eventually also goes back to normal in terms of colour. Back at the King and Queen, the King loses one of his eye covers and sits up.]

King: Huh? I feel like I’m in a daze...

Queen: My... I’ve had the strangest dream... [King relaxes again]

[So does the Queen, thinking it didn’t happen too much. The episode eventually ends.]


LCMCdotFEARrules2.0 refuses to edit this any further, due to avoiding depression or irritation. All transcripts will be edited on the LPI wikia for complete additions from Wikia to Wikia. If there are any grammar fixes, tell us.
